When I am out in the public areas, there are always a few issues that make me sad and angry. Littering is one big problem but another big problem is that as a nation we seem to have forgotten what courtesy and good manners mean.
For example, in a NADRA office recently, there were crowds of people pushing and jostling each other and shouting at the receptionist and staff in ticket booths. All this was leading to chaos, bad tempers and even bad words being shouted in presence of children, women and elderly.
When a ticket is issued, we are given a number like in a bank. Only that person whose turn has come can go forward and if everyone waits for their turn, things can proceed smoothly. If twenty people shout at one computer operator, how can anything get done?
Same thing is seen outside parks, hospitals and other public areas.
Some men were also threatening the receptionists and saying that they will get them fired from jobs if their turn does not come first. If we want to progress and call ourselves civilized we really need to change our habits and attitudes.
Image credit: https://pixabay.com/en/co-workers-argument-argue-worker-294266/