Top 10 Benefits Of Pineapple

Top 10 Benefits Of Pineapple

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Pineapple is an incredible delicious and versatile fruit. It is one of the most precious fruits. Here are the top 10 benefits of it

1. Rich in fiber and helps in regulating digestion
2. Calcium and manganese makes bones and teeth stronger
3. Contains vitamin A and vitamin C and fights against viruses
4. Neutralizes acidity and keeps gums healthy and strong
5. Prevents muscular degeneration
6. Reduces pain of arthritis and prevents plaque
7. Improves eyesight and it contains phosphorus and potassium
8. Prevents cough and cold and reduces hypertension
9. It is low in calories and rich in antioxidant
10. Fight with many diseases

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No doubt Pine apples are great but they are very costly. And not available everywhere except in tin packing.