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life without internet it is so good for everyone to understand and think about the world without the internet and now-days internet is the huge source of communication and networking think like facebook twitter myspace etc.......

so internet play very important role in today life style people communicate the current events and talk about the importance to them and just chat without internet that all stopped and also internet play very important role in entertaiment and play games and the most important Google information required for any reason for any topic just one click and and the whole data come out so this is quit amazing you not go any where just one thing internet connection or wifi and almost available everywhere and also good our online business and some software like Skype viber wechat line and whatapp is quit amazing so without internet now-days life is totally bullish what you think guys ........share you on ideas

this is so nice and good post have a nice day and please brother give me some ideas about the site thanks one again

very nice post life without internet is nothing at all and internet play very important role in all aspects of life thanks for sharing such nice post

Shero Khan you right at this time internet is the key of success but some peoples misused this technology