Her sugar level (Random) was 311mg / dL

Her sugar level (Random) was 311mg / dL

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My mother is suffering from diabetes. We do check her sugar level at home.

After eid-ul-fitr (2016), I insisted on checking her blood glucose level but she did not allow me to do so. I was worried about her blood glucose level.

She consumed juices and other sweets during eid holidays. So, we decided to check blood glucose level.

At last she was ready and the result was as follows:
311 mg/dL
Random (two hour after meals)

It was above normal values. So, I advised her to consider some walk and exercise to control sugar level.

Do you have some sugar patient at your home?
How do you control blood sugar level? Please share your experience with us.

Image source: https://pixabay.com/en/diabetes-blood-finger-glucose-777001/

Yes my mother is also suffering from diabaties. The main thing we do is keeping an eye on her food and medicine very strict to keep things under controll.

You need to check her diabetes once in a week and take care of her.