Asslam o Alekum to all my friends at chillkey. Everyone know that Friday is the day after Thursday, it precedes us to Saturday. Friday is the first day of the weekend and Saturday is the second, but this is not my topic. In Islam Friday is said to be an Eid day. Muhammad s.a.w.w said this day is the master (sardar) of all day. And in eye of Allah it is the biggest even from Eid ul Fitar or Eid ul Azha.
Islamic History of the day:
1. Allah created Hazrat Adam a.s on this day.
2. H. Adam a.s was sent to earth on this day.
3. H. Adam a.s died on this day.
4. Your every dua accepted on this day.
5. And this will be the day of judgement too.
Muhammad s.a.w.w said, you must recite darood on me on this day because your darood present to me on this day.
So you guys must tray to recite Darood e Pak whole day.
Right, it is indeed a great day among all the days of the week. It has its own blessings.