It is very important for everyone to have healthy red blood cells in the body. Red blood cells includes protein and iron known as hemoglobin. You need to eat foods which are rich in iron. If you look healthy but your hemoglobin level is low, its mean you are internally weak and even you will feel exhausted in every minor bleeding. So it is important to eat healthy foods to increase blood in your body. Blood helps to carried out carbon dioxide from the cells and take it back to the lungs. Hemoglobin role is essential to live a healthy and energetic life, so it is must to maintain hemoglobin in normal level in the blood. Low hemoglobin level can occur due to some illness and especially unhealthy lifestyle and nutritional deficiency such as insufficient vitamin C, folic acid, iron and protein.
Foods To Increase Blood
One must be very careful when it comes to one's health. Proper food must be consumed.