Sunset is that movement of the day when everything feels sadness. It touches the core of heart. We want to be quite until the darkness spread around us. We lost into the desert of memories.
Everybody feels that he or she is alone in the world. Each living thing goes to home. When we see to sky, filling dark blue color, flocks are being faraway from our sight.
The sun changes its color, from yellow to a red shaded ball. Sometime it hides slowly behind the trees, building, mountains and sea. It looks as it is drowning into the sea.
As the sunset occurs daily but the last sunset of 2014 was very different. it was embraced due to all unfortunates whom passed throughout the 2014 but on the other hand it gives a hope of bright new year of happiness, prosperity, the 2015.
NICE POST ABOUT SUNSET HAVE A NICE DAY KEEP IT UP AND KEEP SHARING ..............................................................