If You're Going to Eat Junk Food ...

If You're Going to Eat Junk Food ...

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... consume it for BREAKFAST! That way, you have throughout the day to smolder off the calories and balance all the not really solid sugars,salt, carbs and what have you!

Correct? Right!

No, I'm not attempting to seize your eating methodology or adhering to a good diet propensities. I'm simply imparting to you what I let myself know today - at 7:30 AM - when I understood that the main thing that sounded great to consume was whatever is left of the French onion dip and Lays Ruffles potato chips that I purchased yesterday at the store. I was wanting them yesterday, and as yet needing them early today.

When you long for something to that effect, it is your body letting you know that you have some healthful lack going on that must be determined by consuming whatever it is you are desiring.

WHAT? You've never heard that? I'm certain its TRUE!!

comment me back..................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Breakfast is necessary part of diet..............................................................